He had a really good time today. I worked my tail off and I think it was a success. I made a strawberry shortcake and everyone who ate any was impressed with it. My stand up guy liked it too. LOL for once he didnt stand me up. He took measurements tonight while he was here for my mobile home doors which need replacing. It was a nice night. Dad got out the dvd of his and mom's 40th where I sang for them to dance so that we could enjoy that. My brother did hand stands. Mom poked her head in to say hi. We were well chaperoned. But we did find time for a quiet walk and he sang to me, and we sang together. It was quite romantic. I am really happy that he is going to help me get the trailer back into habitable shape, because once it is I am going to beg madam mayor to come visit with me. I know she will love the chance to fly, and I am hoping that my fortunes will change and I can give her the money to come visit me, hehehe :)
I only just thought about the bad things, which is good. I made it through most of the day without lingering over the bad things. It will soon be 32 years I have lived with the worst bad thing ever, but today when I could have let those thoughts weight me down, I am glad they didn't. Time for bed. Sweet Dreams
You be careful with him, you hear me? I don't want you getting all romantic with him to only be hurt again. I DON'T think he's learned his lesson, and I don't want you being hurt or feeling bad about yourself again.